Louie is our 6 Y/O Boxer. He is not a dog.
Boxers do not think they are dogs and act accordingly. They are clowns.
They entertain themselves; they entertain their family, they are goofballs.
I often call Louie a nickname my dad gave me as a kid back in Aussie based on a comic in the day—Boofhead. Nothing personal, he’s just a Boofhead much on the time. The clown.
We will often find him “side-eyeing” us where he is watching us without looking at us. I often wonder why but it’s a Boxer thing and Louie is very good at it.
Louie is incredibly loyal and very much the protector, especially of my kids and my wife Jourdan.
If we leave the home for even 20 minutes we get a greeting as if we were gone for months upon return. He is a very good boy we are lucky to have him,